Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Legalization of Marijuana misc essays

Legalization of Marijuana misc essays As I take back a step and look at all the wrong that encompasses our world, the one thing that sticks out to me the most is the problems that we have with drugs. Drugs flow through our country like water does in a river and they dont seem to cease. One of the most highly abused drugs, marijuana, has become the foremost stimulant leading to harder and deadlier drugs. What makes this case even worse is the fact that people have formed groups with the sole purpose of legalizing this drug. With all the things people waste their time on, I believe this one tops them all. I am clearly against the legalization of all drugs because as research has shown, marijuana effects the human body in only negative ways. To begin, marijuana has been proven to burn the chemicals in the brain which relate to thinking habits and patterns, self esteem, and relationship traits. John Weber, author of High Times magazine that promotes marijuana, says that even though marijuana can be used to make manufactured materials and to help slow the spreading of the aids virus, the drug still has the ability to negatively alter the way the brain functions. This alone should keep people away from using this drug. In the same magazine, statistics show that there is a 60% decline in grades at the high school and college level. Marijuana also effects the body as well as the mind. The preferred saying is that smoking one joint is equivalent to smoking one whole pack of cigarettes at a time. The smoke intake from a joint will normally cause the lungs of a human to become so overwhelmed that one might not be able to breath properly causing a great deal of coughing. Also, the chemicals in the drug cause the body to slow in the growing process, not allowing for a fully developed person neither physically or mentally. What I believe the drug does best is attract users to other drugs. It is proven that ...